We started school around 8am each day. I would leave my house by 7:45am and ride my bike the one-half mile to school. Some days I would meet Johnny and Christine coming out of their gate and we would ride the rest of the way together.
We did school only in the mornings. We started each morning with prayer and a short Bible time. We actually memorized Luke 2:1-20 together that year.
I sat alone in the schoolhouse in the afternoons and did lesson plans. I had 5 sets of plans to do and so it took me quite a while each day. Even though Johnny and Jobie were in the same grade, they were from two different families and so were using two different curriculums. 
I guess the most that I remember about teaching that year was teaching Julie kindergarten. I absolutely love kindergarten and so Julie was my joy as I taught her to read and write. I would have school with the other four kids first and then Julie and I would have our time together one-on-one. She was a quick student.
Julie with her mom, Helen, and Jobie's children in 2007.
My reason for being in the Philippines was to teach school to these 5 wonderful kids. And, teach them I did. But, honestly, I don't remember much of the day to day business that went on with school. I mostly remember the things that went on outside of school. Things like going visiting with Olga, going to Bible studies with Olga, going to the province of Abra with Olga and Loida, teaching Good News Classes in my home with Olga, .... my year in Agoo was full and wonderful. I am soooo thankful for the time. Yet, it was probably the hardest year of my life. A year that taught me to put my trust completely in God and not in man.
More of the story is yet to come.