Pastor Andrew and Julie with their children in 2007.
I was given my own room and my own mosquito net. I became an expert at climbing into bed under the mosquito net and then tucking it carefully under the mattress so the mosquitoes wouldn't sneak inside. Then, I had to be very careful to stay away from the edge of the mosquito net or they would eat me through the netting. Such talents I acquired my first week in the country. 
I also learned how to take a bath without a bathtub. I had a water pump, a bucket, and a dipper. No instructions. I was simply shown to the bathroom -- or should I say, to the CR (comfort room) -- and given a bucket and a dipper. I soon acquired the additional talent of taking a pour bath. This means I simply scooped up the water with the dipper and poured it over my head. That is after I filled the bucket by pumping it full from the water pump. It was like this -- pump to fill the bucket, scoop water with the dipper until the water was gone from the bucket, pump to fill the bucket, scoop water with the dipper until the water was gone from the bucket, pump to fill the bucket, ..... until I was finished. It was quite the workout. (To this day I call getting clean with water taking a 'bath'. I have been fussed at that a shower and a bath are two different things. Well, to me getting clean with water is simply taking a 'bath'.)
I also learned how to wash the dishes without running water. I was becoming quite talented. It was like this -- Enter the CR and fill a bucket with water from the water pump. Carry the bucket to the sink. Wash all the dishes. Return to the CR and fill the bucket again with water. Carry the bucket to the sink. Rinse all the dishes. Return to the CR and fill the bucket with water. Carry the bucket to the sink. Rinse all the dishes again. Stack the dishes carefully so they will air dry. I learned that rinsing the dishes twice made sure there was no soap left on them. Ahhhh!!! I bet you didn't know that.
I figure I was the most talented Americana living in the Philippines at that time.
I lived with Pastor Andrew and Julie for about six weeks. Then, I discovered that the house next door to them was vacant. So, I signed a contract with the owner of the house and moved in with my new friend, Olga. Now, we had an upscale home compared to Pastor Andrew. Our little house had running water and a shower. Ahhhh!!! I never did find the hot water heater. Now, if I remember correctly, I was in the Philippines to be a teacher -- a talented teacher at that. I guess I had better get started on my assignment now that I have a place to live.